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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a very ancient science, rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in mid 1800’s. Reiki in Japanese means universal life Force Energy. It is made of two parts, ‘Rei’— meaning universal, transcendental spirit, and ‘Ki’— meaning energy or power. In India, this energy is called Shakti or ‘Prana’.

Reiki is a method of connecting universal energy with the body’s innate power of healing. Reiki is simple and anybody can learn it. The possibility of self-treatment makes it quite advantageous. Self-treatment amplifies the life force energy in our body releasing the withheld emotions and energy blocks. The results may not be immediately perceptible but it is definitely helpful in relieving stress and helping the person think positive.

As in most things Reiki must be experienced to be appreciated. Practicing Reiki helps create harmony in the body, giving a deep sense of peace and relaxation.

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